Azure HCI Stack Cluster Creation Error: Test No Mounted Media exists (AzStackHci_Hardware_Test_MountedMedia_Exists)

When you're create an Azure HCI Stack cluster you may get an error similar to this.

Type 'ValidateHardware' of Role 'EnvironmentValidator' raised an exception: { "ExceptionType": "json", "ErrorMessage": { "Message": "Hardware requirements not met. Review output and remediate.", "Results": [ { "Name": "AzStackHci_Hardware_Test_MountedMedia_Exists", "DisplayName": "Test No Mounted Media exists ", "Tags": { }, "Title": "Test No Mounted Media exists", "Status": 1, "Severity": 2, "Description": "Checking mounted media does not exist", "Remediation": "", 

I found this was because I'd installed the test system on a VMware workstation machine and had installed VMware tools on the Azure HCI stack hosts so that I could read the text on my high resolution screen.

You just need to dismount the drive either by using VMware workstation in my case or you can "Eject" the disk - which in this case turned out to be a bit of a faff from the command line without trusty My Computer.

(New-Object -COM Shell.Application).NameSpace(17).ParseName('D:').InvokeVerb("Eject");


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