Windows Task Scheduler Error message: The following error was reported: 2147750704

When you try and schedule a task on Windows Server 2012, Windows 8, or above you may see the error

Error message: The following error was reported: 2147750704

This can occur if you enable the "Send an email" or "Display a message" actions as these have been deprecated.

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I'm not sure Microsoft meant to use the term "deprecated" here given that they've removed the functionality out of the scheduled tasks engine on the target systems. I suspect that the user interface retains these options because the Task Scheduler UI can be used to connect to down-level operating systems such as Windows Server 2008 and create scheduled tasks that include the "Display a message" and "Send an email" actions.

It's not clear why Microsoft removed these functions however I suspect it's because of the dated COM technology under the hood that it used for mailing. There's no options in the "Send a mail" task for example for TLS, authentication, or even the TCP port to use to connect to the server.

You therefore have to use a script or other tool to send the emails for you.

Another gotcha on this front is that even on Windows Server 2022 you can define scheduled tasks in Group Policy that include the "Send an email" and "Display a message" actions.

However if these actions are defined the task will not deploy to newer operating systems and the scheduled task silently fails to create or update. You will however see an error in the Windows Application Event Log.

The computer 'Test3' preference item in the 'SampleGpo {6676D542-2601-4A45-BBBF-3BCD6E1F8FCA}' Group Policy Object did not apply because it failed with error code '0x80041330 The task definition uses a deprecated feature.' This error was suppressed.


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