Windows Server 2019 desktop icons such as My Computer, Windows cannot access the specified device, path, or file.

In Windows Server 2019 you may notice that the desktop icons such as My Computer are missing, however when you goto

Personalization > Themes > Desktop icon settings

You see the error
Windows cannot access the specified device, path, or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to access the item.

The quickest way to resolve this is to ignore the modern UI and

desk.cpl ,5

From here you can easily add the My Computer icon

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  1. Thank you!! I was modifying GPO's and what not. This did the trick.

  2. Very Nice. Simplest is the best way to go. Thanks

  3. I'ts easy when you know how to do it.
    Thank you.

  4. This is amazing. Unbelievable how these are found!!

  5. Para windows em português BR
    desk.cpl ,, 5

  6. Perfect! ... Exactly what the Doctor ordered... :D Worked like a charm!. Thank you so very much.

  7. The {space} before the comma five was important for me! i never though of comma as a valid filename character.


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