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What is a Paradox
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A paradox is a self contradicatory statement or something which cannot exist in reality.
When you're using the new "Modern" date and time settings in Windows Server 2016, 2019, 2022, Windows 10 and Windows 11 you may find that you can't set the correct date and time and the value "Some settings are managed by your organization". - While you're here - Why not check out our Windows Server Documentation and Audit Tool? The simplest way around this is to go back to the proper control panel using Start, Run, "Control.exe" and searching for "Set the date". Within here you can set the date and time manually as required If you try and click the Change time zone button you may again get access denied... To resolve this open an elevated command prompt by right clicking the command prompt and selecting Run as Administrator From there run the command rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL timedate.cpl This will open the Data and Time control panel app elevated as an Administrator.
When you start the trivial FTP (TFTP) server application TFTPD32 or TDTPD64 you may see the following error Bind error 10013 An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions. This can be because another application is using this port. The easiest way to check if (and which) application is using the port is as administrator run an elevated command prompt and enter netstat -anb > ports.txt Then open ports.txt in Notepad and search for :69, you'll quickly be able to see the process using the required port - While you're here - Why not check out our Windows Server Documentation and Audit Tool?
I've recently had a problem when using the "Send to compressed (zipped) folder" context menu item nothing happens on Windows 8.1. Looking further into this I found that it worked most folders just not the one I wanted to ZIP. After a while I realised that I had a Visual Studio project source code in this folder that had that annoy deep obj folder problem and it seems that when you click "Send to compressed (zipped) folder" if there is an exceptionally deep directory structure in the folder you are zipping the compression may fail but show now error. I use the following tried and tested RoboCopy method for removing these broken directories with exceptionally deep paths that you can't delete with Windows Explorer. @echo off cls mkdir emptyfolder robocopy emptyfolder "path\to\obj" /MIR rmdir emptyfolder rmdir "path\to\obj" pause While you're here - Why not check out our Windows Server Documentation and Audit Tool?
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