Windows 10 Critical Process Died Error

So I ran into this today on a fully patched Windows 10 anniversary installation.

Your PC ran into a problem and needs to restart. We're just collecting some error info, and then we'll restart for you.


There are lots of posts about this which involve running sfc /scannow from the recovery console none of which worked. Here's what I found to work

  • Allow Windows 10 to fail and reboot and display the options

  • Goto System Restore - try and restore and it will fail because Windows 10 bugs with System restore with 0x80070091
  • Panic
  • Allow Windows 10 to fail and reboot and display the options
  • Goto Troubleshoot, Advanced Options, Command Prompt
  • Find your *real* C: drive probably by going to D:

  • Type cd "Program Files"
  • Type attrib –h WindowsApps
  • Type ren WindowsApps WindowsApps.old
  • Type rstrui
  • Run Windows restore again - you may get ANOTHER error, but it seemed to work correctly.
  • Immediately go and do a Windows System Image Backup.


  1. i'm sorry but i don't understand the line "Find your *real* C: drive probably by going to D:"
    how to do it ? what should I type?
    and i tried to type "cd "program files"" but it is not found...

  2. I understood (I hope so), I just typed "C:"

  3. The C: drive is probably the virtual Windows recovery installation's C: drive rather than the actual Windows installation that you're trying to fix's C: drive.


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