When using the "Send to compressed (zipped) folder" context menu item nothing happens

I've recently had a problem when using the "Send to compressed (zipped) folder" context menu item nothing happens on Windows 8.1.

Looking further into this I found that it worked most folders just not the one I wanted to ZIP.

After a while I realised that I had a Visual Studio project source code in this folder that had that annoy deep obj folder problem and it seems that when you click "Send to compressed (zipped) folder" if there is an exceptionally deep directory structure in the folder you are zipping the compression may fail but show now error.

I use the following tried and tested RoboCopy method for removing these broken directories with exceptionally deep paths that you can't delete with Windows Explorer.

@echo off
mkdir emptyfolder
robocopy emptyfolder "path\to\obj" /MIR
rmdir emptyfolder
rmdir "path\to\obj"

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