How to document a network

How do you create and manage your IT and network documentation?

This can be a time consuming task that some system administrators attempt manually whilst others use an array of tools.

Some of the issues faced include

  • How do you locate each asset or system within your environment?
  • In what format do you store the information?
  • How do you make that information searchable and be able to report against it?
  • How do you track changes to your environment?
  • How do you ensure consistency between the documentation created in a heterogeneous system? How do you make the VMware, Hyper-V, Unix and SQL systems documentation all have the same look and feel?
  • How do you secure the information?

This is why we have created XIA Configuration Server - to address all of these complex issues and help you save time and generate professionally looking IT documentation of as many of your systems as possible.

For more information about the Network documentation created by XIA Configuration Server, please visit our site or take a look at one of the example videos


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