When using AdvancedInstaller during the IIS setup you get the error "PkgMgr.exe has been deprecated" and "Operation failed with 0x800700B".

I came across and error today with AdvancedInstaller on a 64-bit server and couldn't find the solution online (I'm pretty sure I've had this error before) so decided to blog about it.

When the installer is running and reaches the IIS configuration section the following error is shown – Note: PkgMgr.exe has been deprecated. Please update your scripts to use DISM.exe to install, uninstall, configure, and update features and packages for Windows.
Operation failed with 0x800700B.

The issue is caused on 64-bit systems when the wrong ASP.NET registration tool is run.

Ensure that the “Prefer 64-bit version (if available)” setting is selected for the ASP.NET registration section.

Why not take a look at our Network Audit and Documentation Tool XIA Configuration server


  1. Hello,

    Could you tell us where to find the ASP.NET Registration window please. I have no idea where to look...

  2. Hi yes in

    AdvancedInstaller > IIS > Sites

    Select the web site or virtual directory you are installing and goto the ASP.NET tab

  3. I am installing zune where can i get this menu

  4. Just saw this thread, however, our IIS setting is already set to use "prefer 64 bit version" so this doesn't solve the problem for us.


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