BREXIT and democracy: A thought experiment
A thought experiment... The democratically elected government says diesel cars are bad, but put under pressure by lobbying groups a referendum is created that says "Do you want Britain to move to entirely Diesel cars" [ X ] Yes [ ] No The politicians and unelected bureaucrats like Nigel Farage run a campaign that says with diesel we can have cleaner air. Don't you want cleaner air? The slogan MAKE BRITAIN CLEAN AGAIN is everywhere. People vote YES to diesel. There is nothing in the referendum to promise that diesel will make the air cleaner. The government now has a problem, it either says this is a terrible idea and puts a stop to it, or supports the will of the people knowing it will cost billions of £ and in the end you will not have clean air, in fact probably dirtier air. What's the democratic thing to do? Diesel Cars You are supporting the "will of the people" but you are not operating in their best interest. No Diesel Cars You...