
VMware Workstation now free for commerical use

As a user of VMware Workstation it was interesting this week that VMware workstation is now free even for commercial use. The latest version of VMware Workstation Pro for Windows is currently 17.6.1 and can be download from the Broadcom portal.  While you're here - Why not check out our Windows Server Documentation and Audit Tool?

SOLVED: Compile the vSphere Management SDK WSDL for C#.NET leads to CS8078: An expression is too long or complex to compile

If you want to generate a .NET assembly to use the vSphere Management SDK to manage a vSphere environment you may run into difficulties.  VMware (now Broadcom) dropped support for the vSphere Management SDK for .NET stating that developers should use "modern programming languages" such as Java, or pyvmomi and govmomi for Python/Go. If you want to use the vSphere Management SDK (which is a SOAP web service) you need to import the WSDL into .NET. Ideally you want to compile this into a .NET library of the version of the framework you're using. However this web service is extremely large and can cause several issues. Having spent a day or two on this I decided to document the process. While you're here why not check out our VMware documentation tool - XIA Configuration Server? Create the VimService.cs File Access the VMware SDK site Find the vSphere Management SDK. Extract th

Windows Server 2025 Domain and Functional Levels domainFunctionality and forestFunctionality attributes

The Active Directory domain and functional levels have changed for Windows Server 2025 with a new functional level being added. However the documetnation for the domainFunctionality and forestFunctionality attributes have not been updated. 0 DS_BEHAVIOR_WIN2000 1 DS_BEHAVIOR_WIN2003_WITH_MIXED_DOMAINS 2 DS_BEHAVIOR_WIN2003 3 DS_BEHAVIOR_WIN2008 4 DS_BEHAVIOR_WIN2008R2 5 DS_BEHAVIOR_WIN2012 6 DS_BEHAVIOR_WIN2012R2 7 DS_BEHAVIOR_WIN2016 The new value  10 DS_BEHAVIOR_WIN2025 Notice there is a gap of two numbers for Server 2016 and Server 2019 that didn't have an update to the domain and forest functional levels.  While you're here - Why not check out our  Active Directory Documentation Tool ?

Enable-ClusterStorageSpacesDirect : Feature S2D is not supported on node 'NodeName'. Run cluster validation, including the Storage Spaces Direct tests, to verify the configuration

When you run the  Enable-ClusterStorageSpacesDirect cmdlet you may received the error  Feature S2D is not supported on node ' NodeName '. Run cluster validation, including the Storage Spaces Direct tests, to verify the configuration. This can occur if the operating system on the machine is Standard Edition. Storage spaces direct is only supported on Azure Stack HCI and data center editions of Windows Server.

SOLVED: The requested security information is either unavailable or can't be displayed

When using Microsoft Cluster manager you see the error "The requested security information is either unavailable or can't be displayed" on the Cluster Permissions tab. This can occur if the following registry value is missing or corrupt. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Cluster\Security Descriptor REG_BINARY

Error when creating a Microsoft Failover Cluster Cloud Quorum: "An error occurred while validating access to Azure from cluster node 'servername"

When you try and configure a Cloud Witness in a Microsoft Failover Cluster you may find you receive the following error. An error occurred while validating access to Azure from cluster node ‘nodename’. Verify the Azure storage account name, storage account type, storage account key, and network connectivity over HTTPS. This error is very misleading as it can occur when there's an existing Cloud Witness in the cluster core resources.

Get the hardware manufacturer name of the TPM in Windows PowerShell from Win32_TPM WMI class

When using the Win32_TPM class you can get the manufacturer name from the ManufacturerIdTxt property on Windows Server 2019 and above. For older operating systems you can convert the numeric ManufacturerId property to it's string value using the following PowerShell command as the value is actually an ASCII encoded string stored as an integer. $tpm = Get-CimInstance -Namespace "root\CIMV2\Security\MicrosoftTpm" -ClassName "Win32_Tpm" ; $bytes = [ System.BitConverter ]:: GetBytes( $tpm . ManufacturerId); [ System.Array ]:: Reverse( $bytes ); $manufacturer = [ System.Text.Encoding ]:: ASCII . GetString( $bytes );