SOLVED: Microsoft PowerShell cmdlet Get-DnsServerRootHint shows error No root hint found by {server} name server on {servername} server
When you run the Microsoft PowerShell cmdlet Get-DnsServerRootHint you see the error No root hint found by {server} name server on {servername} server When you view the root hints in the DNS server manager MMC you see the root hint listed as "Unknown". If the DNS server is Active Directory Integrated this could be because the record is corrupt. You can view the raw data using ADSIEdit.msc and going to the following (replacing the distinguished name of the domain as required). DC=RootDNSServers,CN=MicrosoftDNS,DC=DomainDnsZones,DC= demo2019 ,DC= int Check the dnsRecord value if this value is missing or corrupt it will display the error above. If the DNS server is not Active Directory integrated then an error may be found in the cache.dns file found by default in the following location: C:\Windows\System32\dns\cache.dns The correct value can be set by clicking the "Edit" button in the DNS manager MMC and entering the correct value, or by clicking "Remove"