
Showing posts from July, 2021

The HTML5 Input=Date browser date picker inconsistencies between browser

This week we've been looking at replacing some of the older web controls we have in the product including a date picker control that's not compatible with mobile devices. Our current control however does render well on desktops and displays a nice calendar. We decided to replace the control with the HTML5 date picker control which is very problematic. I've made some notes on what we found. iOS Renders as a fake dropdown list which when clicked displays a popup calendar ISSUE: Field renders using the operating systems short date format, you cannot change the format - for example to "1 January 2022". BUG: If the control is set to readonly the calendar is still shown when the "dropdown" is clicked The reset button resets to whatever the "value" was set to when the control was rendered which is not what the user would expect. ISSUE: No clear button (unless the control was rendered with a value of blank in which case reset acts as a clear) ISSUE: