When you press the function keys on a HP ZBook mobile workstation you may find that they don't operate as expected. This is because of function lock, if you hold the fn key the function keys work as expected. You can lock the function keys on as described in this document. https://support.hp.com/gb-en/document/c02035108 However there are two things to note Firstly following a BIOS upgrade (which occurs automatically if you have the preinstalled HP software still installed) you may lose your locked function keys and have to reapply. Secondly the HP documentation states you press the fn lock and fn keys at the same time as per the image below from the page. While you're here - Why not check out our Windows Server Documentation and Audit Tool? This is not the case, you need to press and hold the fn key, and then tap the fn lock key to toggle function lock, not an obvious thing when you start work first thing in the morning and are hammering the function keys try