
Showing posts from January, 2018

How do I determine what versions of .NET Framework are installed?

If you are trying to determine what versions of .NET Framework are installed you can use the updated version of XIA Configuration Server . This can now detect installed versions of the .NET Framework and display them simply grouped by the .NET runtime version without needing to use PowerShell scripting, though you can access this information using our PowerShell API . You can also use our reporting functionality to view the installed versions across multiple machines from a single report.

Windows 10 reboots instead of shutting down

Following a Windows update recently my laptop running Windows 10 kept rebooting when I selected to shutdown. Shutdown the computer from the command line shutdown /f /s /t 0 - or - Run regedit and modify the following value to disable fast start HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Power\HiberbootEnabled Set to zero

P/invoke CreateProcessWithLogonW causes Error 1058: The service cannot be started, either because it is disabled or because it has no enabled devices associated with it.

If you're running the CreateProcessWithLogonW Win32 API command with P/invoke you may receive the following error Error 1058: The service cannot be started, either because it is disabled or because it has no enabled devices associated with it.   This can occur if the "Secondary Logon" (seclogon) service is disabled in the services control panel. 

Can't copy and paste from a Barclays bank statement PDF (SECURED in the title bar)

You might find that when you try and copy and paste from a Barclays bank statement you're no longer allowed to do this. If you're trying to get a reference number out of the document this is infuriating as you end up having to try and copy a 16 digit number by eye, and when doing business accounts doing it many times. You'll see that there's no copy command when you right click the text You'll notice the word SECURED in the title bar This is some nonsensical security added by Barclays. To resolve this issue do the following Open the PDF file in Google Chrome Click Print Select the destination as Save As PDF Click Save and select a destination You can now copy from the PDF

Get-Disk PowerShell cmdlet does not show dynamic disks.

We've been updating our Windows server documentation tool to use the newer Get-Disk cmdlets on Windows 2012 and above and found that when you configure a disk as dynamic The Get-Disk PowerShell cmdlet disappears the disk. It's interesting as the same thing happens in Server Manager. Whilst dynamic disks are deprecated it's still frustrating when things disappear from a user interface rather than showing them as an "Unsupported Disk". You can however see dynamic disks when using the Get-PhysicalDisk cmdlet Basic Disk Shows in Disk Management MMC Shows in Get-Disk cmdlet Shows in Server Manager Shows in Get-PhysicalDisk cmdlet Shows in Win32_DiskDrive Dynamic Disk Shows in Disk Management MMC Doesn't show in Get-Disk cmdlet Doesn't show in Server Manager Shows in Get-PhysicalDisk cmdlet Shows in Win32_DiskDrive Storage Pool Member Disk Doesn't show in Disk Management MMC Doesn't show in Get-Disk cmdlet Doesn'