
Showing posts from July, 2015

Install Citrix Licensing Server PowerShell cmdlets - The Windows PowerShell snap-in 'Citrix.Licensing.Admin.V1' is not installed on this computer.

When you have a dedicated Citrix licensing server you may find that you don't have the PowerShell cmdlets available on that server. When you try and add the snapins using the command Add-PSSnapIn Citrix.Licensing.Admin.V1 you receive the error The Windows PowerShell snap-in 'Citrix.Licensing.Admin.V1' is not installed on this computer. You don't need to install the entire Citrix Studio to be able to use the PowerShell cmdlets on the licensing server. There is a dedicated MSI installer for them. Search the XenDesktop installation media for the following MSI file. "LicensingAdmin_PowerShellSnapIn_x64.msi" We're working on support for documenting XenDesktop 7.x sites at the moment. In the mean time why not take a look at our tool's capability for Documenting XenApp Farms ?

Win32_Share reports a type of 3221225472 (0xC0000000)

When using the Win32_Share class in WMI (for example using SELECT * FROM Win32_Share) you may see a share type of 3221225472 (0xC0000000). This isn't documented in the WMI class documentation. It appears that this is a combination of the following two values. STYPE_SPECIAL 0x80000000 STYPE_TEMPORARY 0x40000000 This is used when the cluster service creates temporary shares. These are not displayed in the Computer Management MMC. We've updated our Windows Server Audit Tool to reflect this for version 7.2.