
Showing posts from April, 2015

SQL Server 2014 hangs during installation for a long time on action "Install_WatsonX86_Cpu32_Action"

We've recently seen an issue where SQL Server 2014 hangs during installation for a long time on action "Install_WatsonX86_Cpu32_Action" Solution We found that the solution was to make sure no other installers are currently running, and if so to close them.

How do you document a Citrix Farm?

If you've been asking how do you document a Citrix Farm then we have the answer with XIA Configuration Server version 7, and the new Citrix XenApp Documentation Agent Starting with support for Citrix XenApp 6.0 and 6.5 (with support for XenApp/XenDesktop 7.x coming soon) you can now document Published Applications Application Type Application Name  Content Redirection Shortcut Presentation Appearance Settings Client Options Application Icon  Streaming Settings   Servers Server Name Zone Settings Logon Settings Installed Version Installed Citrix Service Pack Installed Edition HotFix Information Host Information Operating System Service Pack Manufacturer Model Policies, load balancing policies, load evaluators and more. View more information about the Citrix XenApp Documentation Agent or download the free trial .

Connect your iPhone to iTunes without a cable using a Wireless connection

I often use my iPhone as an ad-hoc backup device using the File Sharing section under applications however I had the issue of not having my lightening cable available recently so after a quick look found that you can connect an iPhone to iTunes without the cable. All you need to do is enable WiFi connection sync in iTunes For more information see the following Apple document iTunes 10.5 and later: Troubleshooting iTunes Wi-Fi syncing - Apple Support

Using the ADSI accelerators using PowerShell remoting causes an error “Value for dictionary entry is not specified.”

We've had an issue this week where we were trying to resolve the GUID of an organizational unit provided by the Citrix PowerShell API to its display name or distinguished name. As we already had a PowerShell remoting session open to the Citrix server so we thought we'd use the PowerShell ADSI accelerators to get the DirectoryEntry of the OU and read the information from there. When run locally ([adsi]'LDAP://DC=demoxenapp,DC=int').DistinguishedName The command returns "DC=demoxenapp,DC=int" However when run over a PowerShell remoting session you either receive no data or the following error ([adsi]'LDAP://DC=demoxenapp,DC=int') I was expecting a DirectoryEntry to be returned however instead saw this error Value for dictionary entry is not specified.     + CategoryInfo          :     + FullyQualifiedErrorId : System.Management.Automation.Remoting.PSRemotingDataStructureException This occurs becau...