
Showing posts from July, 2013

Advanced Installer error Reason: Capicom.dll used by SignTool.exe is not installed correctly on this computer.

When using Advanced Installer to create a signed package you receive the following error Reason: Capicom.dll used by SignTool.exe is not installed correctly on this computer. Solution You must download the Platform SDK Redistributable: CAPICOM from the following link and install it. And then install the security update for CAPICOM. This is a bug in the older versions of Caphyon Advanced Installer.

get-windowsfeature : The given key was not present in the dictionary

When you run the get-windowsfeature cmdlet in PowerShell on Windows Server 2012 you may see the following error get-windowsfeature : The given key was not present in the dictionary. At line:1 char:1 + get-windowsfeature + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~     + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [Get-WindowsFeature], KeyNotFoundException     + FullyQualifiedErrorId : System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException,Microsoft.Windows.ServerManager.Commands    .GetWindowsFeatureCommand This seems to occur if there is a problem in the following registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ServerManager\ServicingStorage\ServerComponentCache As this is just a cache registry key you can try renaming the key to ServerComponentCache.old and then re-running the PowerShell command or refreshing the view in server manager. This recreates the key and rebuilds the server feature information. - While you're here - Why not check out our Windows Server Documentation and Audit Tool?

A remote desktop services deployment does not exist in the server pool.

Anyone who has started using Remote Desktop (Terminal Services) in Windows Server 2012 will find a few disturbing changes. Firstly you'll find most of the MMC based management tools such as the remote desktop session host configuration tools have gone. After spending some time going backwards and forwards to the server roles and feature you may realise that they have moved to the pseudo-metro Server Manager console. When you run this you will see the following very unhelpful error message. "A remote desktop services deployment does not exist in the server pool." You now have to configure the Remote Desktop session host using a special way. The best documentation I've found for this is later in the Windows Server 8 Beta guide (page 25) Why not check out our automated Remote Desktop Audit and Documentation tool