
Showing posts from December, 2011

Visual Studio 2010 web deployment projects do not remote the App_Data folder

Having come accross the problem before that Visual Studio 2010 web deployment projects do not remote the App_Data folder even though you have checked the box to do exactly that I have today found myself trying to find what the resolution was again so thought I would blog about it partially for your benefit but also for my own sanity should I need this information again. Open the file C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\WebDeployment\v10.0\Microsoft.WebDeployment.targets Locate the following section and add in the missing red backslash         <!--         Removing APP_DATA is done here so that the output groups reflect the fact that App_data is         not present         -->         <RemoveDir Condition="'$(DeleteAppDataFolder)' == 'true'" Directories="$(TempBuildDir) \ App_Data"/>         <CreateItem Include="$(TempBuildDir)\**\*.*"  Condition="'$(UseMerge)' != 'true'">        

Document Remote Desktop Configuration

We've often been asked how to document the Remote Desktop and Remote assistance settings on Windows PCs and Servers. These settings can pose a potential security risk. We are currently working on the documentation of full Remote Desktop (Terminal Servers) and this is forming part of that work. We intend to document the settings of each terminal including client, environment, security and network etc as well as session (connection) broker settings. More advanced Windows 2008 features such as RemoteApp are likely to be included. From here we are looking to extend this support to Citrix. A sneak preview of the support for Remote Desktop and Remote Assistance is here - this information is integrated into the UI for Windows PCs and Windows Servers. Document Windows Server Configuration